[Techtalk] Hello

Lemanski, Lahoma J. LJLemanski at mail.ifas.ufl.edu
Mon Sep 10 09:14:50 EST 2001

Hi there, I am new to the list and just though I would introduce myself.

I am a "Senior Secretary" at the Univesity of Florida, but do very little
actual secretarial work. Mostly design Webpages, and do other things on the
computer here that the other folks in my office don't know how to do :-). My
Guy works downstairs in IT, and I am hoping to get out of the secretary
thing and into IT soon.

They actually pulled me out of the tech pool (which is just tooo crowded)
for my job, and forced me to take a typing test... which I failed 4 times
before I passed.

Although forced to use Windows 2000 at work, I have a win2k, RH7.1 dual boot
at home, and only use the windows for Games. As soon as Bellsouth pulls
their heads out of their you know whats and gets dsl to our neighborhood, we
are going to Network the four computers in our house (3 kids!). One of the
local isp's will give us a static ip for dirt cheap, so I hope to have
apache up and running in the near future, to host my parents web site which
is growing to big for their hosting service.
 I have only been using Linux  since the end of April, compiled my first
Kernel on Mothers Day :), planning on getting RHCE next year sometime.


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