[Techtalk] US Participants (was Re: mac os x)

Lorry fish at slava.net
Sun Oct 7 08:54:06 EST 2001

For those who are looking for other linux geeks in the area, I just 
found this site, which lists LUGs by state.  (It appears there isn't one 
in Pittsburgh, although there was a contact for someone trying to start 
one.  As for northern Indiana, I don't know enough geography to know if 
any of the places listed were in the north.  :)  )
I went to my first LUG meeting yesterday, and I met a whole bunch of 
people.  There were even a couple other females.  :)

coldfire wrote:

>i was thinking i was the only one in PA .. but now i just think i'm the
>only one in pittsburgh :)

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