[techtalk] why do I read this stuff

Michael Carson mikecarson at usa.net
Tue Jun 12 16:58:19 EST 2001

Martin.Caitlyn at epamail.epa.gov wrote:

>Hi, Scott,
>>Why do I bother reading this stuff?
>I don't know, but it belongs on grrltalk or issues, not here, methinks.
>Oh, and Mr. Coursey can belittle those of us who believe that Linux has a
>future as a server, on the desktop, and as a threat to Microsoft.  That
>doesn't make him right. Linux isn't likely to "Balkanize" like UNIX did,
>either.  The situations are very, very different.
>There are many more Microsoft zealots than Linux ones.  I don't see the
>point of posting FUD from one of them on a Linux technical list, but then
>again, I'm already accused of blind religious adherence by Mr. Coursey, so
>perhaps I'm missing something here too.
   I was thinking the same thing, at first, but then I realized the 
usefullness of this article - now we know Mr. Coursey's prejudices, and 
can esteem his pronouncements accordingly, with reference to our own.


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