[Techtalk] Question about DNS

jennyw jennyw at dangerousideas.com
Thu Dec 6 11:27:57 EST 2001

Okay, I did some research and now I'm even more perplexed.

In ORA's DNS and BIND it says that negative caching was introduced in BIND
8, but that this is hardcoded at 10 minutes.  I'm getting negative responses
for >1 week. It's possible they're using some weird variant, but why would
they do such a thing?

Another confusing thing is that the TTL for the domain is set to be 38400
seconds (less than 11 hours). Why should anything take longer than a day to

The particular host in question is wires.dangerousideas.com. It resolves
everywhere that I've tried, except for SJSU and Stanford (assuming you're
using their default name servers).



----- Original Message -----
From: "jennyw" <jennyw at dangerousideas.com>
To: "TechTalk" <techtalk at linuxchix.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:14 AM
Subject: [Techtalk] Question about DNS

> I recently entered some A records into my name server and noticed that
> sites cannot resolve these new names. Usually, these sites are schools
> (Stanford and SJSU).
> Why is this?  I thought that name resolution info was cached only when a
> name was found?  Or DNS doesn't find a server name does it cache that
> is no server and leave it at that for a week or so?  This seems strange,
> especially since at Stanford it sometimes takes a couple weeks for things
> work right.
> Thanks!
> Jen
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