[techtalk] package conflicts

Helena A. Verrill verrill at math.ku.dk
Mon Sep 11 20:38:40 EST 2000

Hello, I am wondering what one is supposed to do with
'package conflicts'?

I tried installing real player, under kde on linux
running 2.3.99-pre3, by typing:
 rpm -i rp7.linux20.libc6.i386.cs1.rpm 

and it says:
/usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wav.kdelnk from install of RealPlayer-7.0-7
conflicts with file from package kdebase-1.1.2-33 

I know I can get round this by using --force but I'm not sure
whether there are any bad effects of doing that - is there any
way I can find out, or how should I install it otherwise?

(I might well try just doing --force; I suppose I can always
reinstall kde if anything goes wrong)

Thanks for advice,

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