[techtalk] ejecting the #$%#$! cdrom

Adriana Gonzalez adriana at hq.mycity.com
Tue May 30 11:44:07 EST 2000

sara korhonen wrote:
> > Once in a  while Linux (RH 6.2) will insist that a cdrom is busy and
> > thus will not let me umount it and thus will not let me eject it.  After
> what quite often happens to me is that i've done cd /mnt/cdrom (or where
> ever you have mounted your cdrom) and i've tried to umount it -- of course
> without success. so check out that you aren't in the mounted dir.
> sara
You can use the fuser command to find out who is using the file and what
he is doing with it, like this:

# fuser -v /mnt/cdrom/

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/mnt/cdrom/          root      15344 ..c..  bash
                     root     kernel mount  /mnt/cdrom

You can also use this to automatically send a signal to the process
(default SIGKILL). Do man fuser
for details.

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   Adriana Gonzalez

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