[techtalk] Oracle 8i on Linux - any lurking DBAs?

Saska saska at noogie.com
Thu May 18 15:59:05 EST 2000

Hello list,

A sysadmin and a DBA here, both stumped!

We're running Oracle 8i on RedHat 6.1 Secure with the ArsDigita
Community System (ACS) and AOLServer.  That may not mean anything to any
of you; the relevant point is that the ACS (which requires Oracle) and
AOLServer (which just uses whatever db connection the ACS has) are
speaking properly to the database and to one another, the tables have
automagically assembled themselves with the proper attributes, etc.
However, when we attempt to insert values into the tables in the
community system, we're getting a VERY strange error:

ORA-01403: no data found

The insert does not commit and the table remains empty.

We have verified: (a) there are no triggers running based upon an insert
into this table (b) no other errors are being generated (c) the same
results occur if we insert data into the table in exactly the same order
as is listed in the DESCRIBE results below.

Any lurking DBAs out there who can help us figure out what the )&^#$ is
going on?

relevant data:


SQL> describe users

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------
 USER_ID                                   NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 FIRST_NAMES                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
 LAST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
 SCREEN_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(100)
 PRIV_NAME                                          NUMBER(38)
 EMAIL                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
 PRIV_EMAIL                                         NUMBER(38)
 EMAIL_BOUNCING_P                                   CHAR(1)
 CONVERTED_P                                        CHAR(1)
 PASSWORD                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 URL                                                VARCHAR2(200)
 ON_VACATION_UNTIL                                  DATE
 LAST_VISIT                                         DATE
 SECOND_TO_LAST_VISIT                               DATE
 N_SESSIONS                                         NUMBER(38)
 REGISTRATION_DATE                                  DATE
 REGISTRATION_IP                                    VARCHAR2(50)
 USER_STATE                                         VARCHAR2(100)
 APPROVED_DATE                                      DATE
 APPROVING_USER                                     NUMBER(38)
 APPROVING_NOTE                                     VARCHAR2(4000)
 EMAIL_VERIFIED_DATE                                DATE
 REJECTED_DATE                                      DATE
 REJECTING_USER                                     NUMBER(38)
 REJECTING_NOTE                                     VARCHAR2(4000)
 DELETED_DATE                                       DATE
 DELETING_USER                                      NUMBER(38)
 DELETING_NOTE                                      VARCHAR2(4000)
 BANNED_DATE                                        DATE
 BANNING_USER                                       NUMBER(38)
 BANNING_NOTE                                       VARCHAR2(4000)
 CRM_STATE                                          VARCHAR2(50)
 CRM_STATE_ENTERED_DATE                             DATE
 PORTRAIT                                           BLOB
 PORTRAIT_UPLOAD_DATE                               DATE
 PORTRAIT_COMMENT                                   VARCHAR2(4000)
 PORTRAIT_CLIENT_FILE_NAME                          VARCHAR2(500)
 PORTRAIT_FILE_TYPE                                 VARCHAR2(100)
 PORTRAIT_FILE_EXTENSION                            VARCHAR2(50)
 PORTRAIT_ORIGINAL_WIDTH                            NUMBER(38)
 PORTRAIT_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT                           NUMBER(38)
 PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL                                 BLOB
 PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH                           NUMBER(38)
 PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT                          NUMBER(38)
 BIO                                                VARCHAR2(4000);

SQL> INSERT INTO users (user_id,
           VALUES (44,
                   'somebody at somewhere.org',

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01403: no data found


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