[techtalk] dual graphics cards and X on linux?

Michelle Konzack starone at cybercable.fr
Wed May 17 10:06:16 EST 2000


I have read some infos about it and it 
does not work properly for the moment.

I have tried it with a "miro 80sv twin"...  :-/


At 15:41 16.05.2000 -0500, Connie Waring you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
>does anyone know how (if?) I can put 2 graphics cards in a linux machine and
>have 2 X displays?
>I looked at the XFree86 4.0 documentation and it says it supports some
>multi-head configurations, but it doesn't describe how to do it.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
--------> The Reply begins not here, it is at the beginning ^
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