Fw: [techtalk] A SIGSEGV problem

Ellen Venable ev at cabrillo.cc.ca.us
Thu May 4 22:20:20 EST 2000

The message is an error message from g++ letting you know
that the program you are trying to compile is attempting
to access memory that does not belong to that program.
(You are probably running off the end of an array or
dereferencing a pointer that points to memory outside 
of that allocated to your program.)  This is not a problem
with g++, it is an error message to help you make the program
that you are writing be correct.  As you say, the program probably
runs fine under Windows, since windows does not do a very good
job of keeping the memory of various programs separate from 
one another - hence the frequent crashes when programs 
invade one another's memory.... a _real_ operating system
would not allow that to happen :)

You can find the exact line in your source code that is
causing the problem by using a debugger - it takes some
time to learn to use the debugger but is well worth it
in the long run. Try xxgdb or gdb - the gnu debugger
(man xxgdb or man gdb)

good luck!

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Deepa Karnad wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deepa Karnad <deepakar at blr.vsnl.net.in>
> To: Beverly Guillermo <mezanin at home.com>
> Date: Thursday, May 04, 2000 11:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] A SIGSEGV problem
> >Oh, perhaps I should have been clearer. The program is one coded by us
> >students for our undergraduate project. It is executing/running fine in Win
> >98. Also to be noted is that other programs similarly ported from Win 98 to
> >linux have successfully run.
> >Deepa

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