[techtalk] heads-up: M$ (e-mail) virus making rounds.

Michelle Konzack starone at cybercable.fr
Thu May 4 22:38:36 EST 2000

At 10:37 04.05.2000 -0400, Dianna Gregory you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
>Someone here at the office received it already.  Fortunately, I don't see
>virus propagating through here, considering the only Windows box is in the
>room, not hooked up to anything. :)

Thousends of smilies 

;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-)) ;-))

Linux has many friends but Windows must play alone !!!


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Linux rebootet man in drei Fällen: 
Neuer Kernel, neue (Board-)Hardware, Stromausfall....

Aber Windows rebootet man auch in drei Fällen: 
Schutzverletzung, Bluescreen, keinen Bock...

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