[techtalk] RE: [grrltalk] intro and modem problem

Stacie Turner sturner at MRA-NET.ORG
Thu May 4 15:23:54 EST 2000

Actually, Brian's "real" job is an actor -- he fell into VB programming to
make money between shows.  He gets bored of day jobs pretty fast, so I don't
waste time worrying about them.  Sooner or later he'll be doing something
else to make money, and the windows partition will go away.

And I know I don't have a winmodem (checked first thing -- had one, laughed
at self, replaced, problem persisted, swore)

In windows I've bullied windows into putting the modem onto com2 and made
sure it had the standard memory addresses, but when I look at tty1 I'm not
getting a modem.  Red Hat 6.2 has all these "trouble saving" ways to hook up
a modem, but if they don't find one you're back to needing to know
things,and I'm not even sure what I need to know to solve this problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Leber [mailto:maggie at voicenet.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 3:16 PM
To: Stacie Turner
Cc: 'grrltalk at linuxchix.org'
Subject: Re: [grrltalk] intro and modem problem

Stacie Turner wrote:

> ... Windows 2000 (which is icky, but my husband is a
> VB developer, and he gets worried whenever I threaten to do away with
> windows all together)...

Maybe he should diversify a bit. One of the survival skill I've cultivated
a thirty-year careeer in computing is "don't get locked into a single
or a single vendor's technology. I do like Bob Young's "would you buy a car
the hood welded shut?" metaphor. 

> I'm having this embarrassing modem problem.  I have an internal plug and
> play modem which I'm having a hard time getting Linux to see.  The main
> advice I've gotten thus far has been "buy an external modem and be done
> it".
> Any other advice out there?

Maybe not an *extrenal* modem, but perhaps one that implements the
COM[1|2|3|4] for port and interrupt structure? You may have what's called in
industry a "WinModem", which does not appear as a serial port but operates
with Windows drivers. 

You might want to take this issue to Techtalk...

-ICQ 7161096-/ __     _) Margaret Stephanie Leber <maggie at voicenet.com>/
-AOPA 925383/(, /|  /|    http://www.voicenet.com/~maggie/maggie.html /
AMSAT 32844/   / | / |  _   _   _    `  "The art of progress consists/
ARRL 39280/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_ of preserving order amid /
EAA 600137 (_/   '        .-/ .-/    change and change amid order."/
-KB3DXS-/________________(_/ (_/__________________A.N.Whitehead___/

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