[techtalk] help

Chris R. mysterio at ee.net
Tue May 2 17:38:26 EST 2000

I have been trying to reinstall Linux after it crashed on me.  I have
Mandrake version 6.1 & 7.0.  Both have not worked correctly.   I have even
gone as far as low level formating the hard drive to make sure it was not
the problem.  After reformatting the hard drive I did install Win98
sucessfully.  This is an 8 gig hard drive.  When I tried to install it I get
this error:

Finding overlaping files:
  Install exited abnormally - signal 11, sending termination signals.

Sometimes I don't even see the words "finding overlapping files", most times
I just get the "install exited abnormally - signal 11 error" Does anyone
know why this is happening?  What does signal 11 mean?


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