[techtalk] converting netscape(win)mail to netscape(linux)mail

Michelle Konzack starone at cybercable.fr
Tue May 2 23:23:38 EST 2000

At 13:20 02.05.2000 -0700, Nicole Zimmerman you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
>My husband copied his folders directly from windows to linux using
>netscape and it worked out just fine. You should be able to copy the
>folders over into your netscape mail directory and read them just like
>netscape in windows.
>If you want to convert them, I'm not sure *what* to use. The mail client
>of choice (if it's not netscape) may provide something for converting
>(if you're lucky ;o)). My experience with non-gui mail readers in linux
>is that they store mail in text only formats while netscape is some
>weird binary crap.

This is, why I like to switch to pine, because I can use my NFS-Server 
where all the Gigs are stored and then I use under:

1)      Dos     PacketDrivers, PC-NFS (Sun) and Pine...
2)      WfW     TCP32b, NFS31 and Pine...
3)      WinNT   NTNFS and Pine...
4)      Linux   nfs-server and Pine...

I love Pine...
It is still compatibel.


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