[techtalk] How do I get rid of login screen

Karl-Heinz Zimmer khz at snafu.de
Sat Jan 29 14:09:52 EST 2000

On 28.01.00, 23:10:17, Davida Schiff wrote:

> I guess I was not clear. I am setting up this PC for
> my mom. I want her to be able to power on and have
> the PC go directly into the GNOME desktop. No user
> (or root) login screen at all.  I have already
> figured out how to get rid of the splash and help
> screens that come up by default. This is just to
> play games with.  Thanks again

Hi Davida,

please (please!) don't be angry about me: I _did_ under-
stand you right before but I am still very sure that it
is not a good idea to get rid of the login procedure.

Sorry about that, but why not giving your mother a nice
little account e.g. called 'mom' without any password
but reserve the true 'root' account for yourself to pre-
vent her from destroying the system by accident?

It hard to believe for me that it would be to much work
for her to enter 'mom' after booting linux.

(Forgive me for being such a pest,
 but I am sure this would be better.)

Kindest regards,

K.-H. Zimmer     *     Hamburg     *     Germany

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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