[techtalk] Prog name in Titlebar

Rik Hemsley rik at kde.org
Mon Feb 21 16:33:52 EST 2000

#if Phil Savoie
> Hi All
> Would anyone happen to know how to include the prog name in the title
> bar  of a kde session terminal?  Basically what I would like to do is
> start the prog and instead of "Konsole" in the titlebar have the prog
> name displayed.

This is how I do it with zsh: In my .zshrc:

---------------------- >8 ------------------------

chpwd() {
  [[ -t 1 ]] || return
  case $TERM in
    xterm) print -Pn "\e]2;%~\a"


---------------------- 8< ------------------------

You'll have to find out what TERM is set to for konsole. This
of course will only work if konsole understands these escape
codes. I would guess that it does.


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