[techtalk] Netscape and Java

Ian Hall-Beyer manuka at nerdherd.net
Wed Oct 13 19:47:20 EST 1999

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Ingrid Schupbach wrote:

> I think I've hit on another solution.  The Netscape that currently comes
> with RH 6.0 is NOT the most recent available.  Since upgrading, the
> trouble appears to have gone away.

Yes, the one that was on the 6.0 CD was horribly broken. I thought you
were talking about 6.1, otherwise I would have mentioned it earlier.


<cosmo> wow, this is kinda nifty. the win98 protocol stack is 
like a chinese finger puzzle, twist and turn in the right places, 
and it pops right off			--Seen on EFNet IRC

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