[techtalk] PalmPilot

Nico Hailey ndh at demona.com
Wed Oct 6 09:04:05 EST 1999

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999 jenn at simegen.com wrote:
> Ok. I must be blind - I CANNOT possibly IMAGINE that this doesn't exist.
> I'm after PalmPilot backup software for linux. The equivalent of the one
> that comes with the PalmPilot and runs on Windows - ie, not JUST backing
> up the calender, but also the appointment book, notepads, other databases,
> etc etc etc.
> Anyone know where I can find it? Someone /has/ to have written one, or 
> 3M ported theirs, or something. There's too many geeks have PPs...

there's one GUI app called k-pilot (seems to be the thing to use
of yer a KDE sort of kid) My pilot died a few months ago so I
haven't kept up (no, I'm /not/ bitter ;)...  but have you tried
pilot-link? http://www.pilot.pasta.cs.uit.no/ (that's if yer a CLI

this site has a few links that might be helpful. There is also a
pilot-unix mailing list, but it tends to be more developer specific.
( i am fairly sure that pilot-link will back up *everything* (or at least
that's how it's worked for me.) 

also a quick search of www.palmgear.com revealed a product called J-Pilot
Update Description
	 This is a desktop organizer application for the palm pilot
	 that runs under Linux/Unix. It is similar in functionality
	 to the one that 3com distributes for a legacy operating
	 system. RPMs are on the website. Requires GTK+ and
since palmgear's URL's are ugly and nasty looking, I'd sugest
just searching on "unix", you'll find j-pilot and k-pilot
on the first results page. 

hope this helps,

nico                   "I don't want to swim the ocean.
damon                   I don't want to fight the tide.
hailey                  I don't want to swim forever.
http://www.demona.com   When it's cold, I'd like to die."  --moby

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