[techtalk] Bugzilla and Perl modules for MySql Help!!!
Sean McAfee
mcafee at umich.edu
Thu Dec 2 14:21:15 EST 1999
Jennifer Tippens <jennifer at surfari.com> wrote:
>Sooo, I went to install Bugzilla from
>source on my computer. First it needs MySQL. OK. Done. Next it needs Perl
>modules for MySQL. OK. Done.
>But wait! Lo, what's this?? Eegads. I read a little further. I answered a
>question in the MakeMakefile wrong and now I can't get it to ask me the
>question again. I re-un-tarred the module and ran perl Makefile.PL again, but
>it just said writing makefile, done. No chance to change my mind....
>Any pointers?? Bugzilla will not work with backward compatability
I just tried this myself, and it seems the culprit is the file
lib/DBD/mysql/Install/Config.pm. Remove it and rerun "perl Makefile.PL",
and you should get asked the important questions again.
If anyone is interested, the way I found this out was:
cd Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2210
perl Makefile.PL
find . -mmin -1
# look for files with likely-looking names
Usually, if I get impatient looking for the right file to delete, I'll just
rm -rf the source distribution and then re-untar it. That always does the
Sean McAfee | GCS d->-- s+++: a27 C++ US+++ P+++$ L++ E- W+ N++ |
| K w--- O? M- V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP?>++ t+() 5++ X R+ | mcafee@
| tv+ b++ DI++ D+ G e++ h r---* y+>++ | umich.edu
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