[prog] Bash script problem

Noir acknak_halflife at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 21 14:36:16 EST 2006

I have got a script which is not doing what it's
supposed to do. 

In short, the script should grep the output of a
program, awk for one column & send an email to me if
anything from that column matches my criteria.


RECPT="acknak_halflife at yahoo.co.uk"

SUB1="Number does match for `hostname`"
SUB2="Number doesn't match for `hostname`"

ERROR_VALUE="No Matching ID Found"

# grep for specific column
PROG1="`$BINARY -l | grep -n 1 | awk {'print $7'}`"

# mail me to let me know that it is not working

# mail me to let me know that it is working
PROG_OK="`$BINARY -l | $MAIL -s "$SUB1" $RECPT`"

# the total outout
PROG3="`$BINARY -l`"

# conditions
	if [ "$PROG1" = "0.00" ] || [ "$PROG1" -gt "1000" ]
|| [ "$PROG" = "1000" ]; then
	echo $PROG_ERR
	elif [ "$PROG3" == "$ERROR_VALUE" ]; then
	echo $PROG_ERR
	echo $PROG_OK

Any kind of help would be appreciated.

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