[solved] Re: [prog] On the fly graphs with php

Conor Daly conor.daly-linuxchix at cod.homelinux.org
Sat Jul 16 07:08:39 EST 2005

On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 04:33:07PM -0400 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Clifford Crawford thought:
> Ok, I think I understand now what the problem is, you have too many  
> parameters to be passing to the script in the url.  You could try  
> either using a session variable, or serialize()/unserialize() and  
> cookies, on an array containing all of the parameters to pass the  
> data in to chart.php (probably the session variable would be easier  
> if you have so many datapoints).  I.e. in the calling script do this:
> <?PHP
> session_start();
> $_SESSION["datapoints"] = array(...); ?>
> <img src="chart.php">
> and then in chart.php do this:
> session_start();

Well, that worked.  It took much hacking and stuff but I have it working

Anyway, the result is now up at: "chart.php" on


including a sample "graphit.php".  It's funny, it works on my home server
but not on my webserver.  Must figure out why...

Thanks all for your advice...

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

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