[prog] prolog

Marco Linux breakthru at inwind.it
Wed Dec 14 06:04:27 EST 2005

Alle 21:21, lunedì 12 dicembre 2005, Aslı ha scritto:
I don't know what the "Linear Peg Solitaire problem" is, but i liked prolog a 
So i can tell you something about lists!
a list in prolog is made of a head and a tail.
written as [Head|Tail] or shorter [X|XS]
to check if something is a list:
is_a_list([X|XS]) :- is_a_list(XS).

another notation for prolog lists is .(X,XS)
some example lists...
.(1, .(2, .(3,[])))

Happy prolog :)


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