[prog] Java I/O problem 2

Noir acknak_halflife at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 17 23:40:25 EST 2005

--- Noir <acknak_halflife at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I have a plain-text file and it reads
> Tony 12.33 45.2 33.33 33.22
> Jessica 11.3 33.3 12.33 45.5
> Now, I have to read the file and give the output
> like
> Tony
> 12.33
> 12.33 
> 45.2 
> 33.33 
> 33.22
> Jessica
> ...
> ...
> I can read the file and get the output (STDOUT). But
> how am I going to break it down into new lines?

My code looks like this:

// FileReadTest.java
// Copyright 1998 DevDaily Interactive, Inc.  All
Rights Reserved.

import java.io.*;

  class FileReadTest { 

main >--------//

     public static void main (String[] args) {
        FileReadTest t = new FileReadTest();

readMyFile >--------//

     void readMyFile() { 

        String record = null;
        int recCount = 0; 

        try { 

	   FileReader fr     = new FileReader("mydata.txt");
           BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

           record = new String();
           while ((record = br.readLine()) != null) {
   //           recCount++;
   //           System.out.println(recCount + ": " +
		System.out.println(record + "\n"); 

        } catch (IOException e) { 
           // catch possible io errors from readLine()
           System.out.println("Uh oh, got an
IOException error!");

     } // end of readMyFile()

  } // end of class

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