[prog] Windows resource files

Jaroslaw Fedevych (UALUG jaroslaw at fly.osdn.org.ua
Thu Sep 2 12:09:27 EST 2004

On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:36:34AM +0200, drichter at essi.fr wrote:
> This may not be the best place to ask, but I thought I'd try anyway, because 
> I've never gotten flamed on this list.
Absolutely, that's not the place. :-)

> Does anyone know how to use Visual Studio to make a separate resource file for 
> each (human) language? In this case, I want a program to speak both English and 
> French. So how do I set it up with an English resource file and a French 
> resource file, and get it to use the right one according to the language of the 
> machine it's on?

Ehrm... Looked in ResHacker, every resource was in a 'folder' with its name
equal to the language code. Maybe that's the way M$ are locale-aware, if they
know what a locale is at all.

You may dig in that direction; maybe your app will have to look up the language
code and pick the right resources itself, because I haven't see 'locale aware'
apps under Windoze.

But again, that's surely not the place for such questions... If any question
concerning the offtopic will get answered here, the list is risking of 
being renamed to programming at windowschix.org. :-)

X Windows: Flakey and built to stay that way.

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