[prog] Calling a perl program from within PHP

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Tue Nov 16 10:20:18 EST 2004

On Nov 15, 2004, at 2:21 AM, Gareth Anderson wrote:
> BUT when I run it through the web:
> http://yoyo.its.monash.edu.au/~gja/protect/al-list-wrapper.php
> I get no results, and I'm very unsure how to debug this kind of thing
> you can't see.

Have you checked your webserver logs?   That's the first thing I 
suggest that my students try. :)  Oftentimes, there are error messages 
there that'll help a bunch.

You might also want to try running simpler perl scripts to try and rule 
out problems.  A little "hello world" program might work where your 
more complex perl script doesn't, and thus give you some clues as to 
what's going wrong.


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