[prog] Using HTTP to interact with desktop applications

Douglas Hunter dug at plusthree.com
Tue May 4 18:29:32 EST 2004


   I've been hanging out/lurking on the issues & techtalk lists for a 
bit now, but thought that this conversation would be more appropriate here.

   I do most of my web development using a Perl based development 
framework called XML::Comma (available on the CPAN and at 

   Recently folks from the Comma community have been musing about how to 
launch and interact with desktop applications from a website built on 
top of Comma.  I've made an attempt to codify those musings into a 
writeup available here:


   I wanted to bring this conversation under the scrutiny of a larger 
audience.  Since both the technical know-how and community environment 
of the LinuxChix mailing lists that I've been involved in is so 
impressive, this seemed like a natural place to bring the discussion.

   After digging through the archives for a bit I didn't see anything 
that suggested that this was the wrong place for this discussion, but if 
I didn't dig enough I apologize in advance.


   -- Douglas Hunter

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