[prog] Book Recommendation for OOP Design

etb lizzy at soggytrousers.net
Wed Jan 7 19:27:19 EST 2004

Finne writes:

> maybe you dan take a look at cup?

> http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/modern/java/CUP/
> otherwise I'd be very intersted to hear suggestions, I have to write
> one as well

Hi Finne,

   For parsing I have my eye on this:

      Modern Compiler Implementation in Java
         by Andrew W. Appel

and I ordered it sometime back but it has yet to show up. :-( Oh well.
Here is another that looks interesting:

      Building Parsers With Java
         by Steven John Metsker 

CUP looks like a worthy project but I'm more interested in finding
what others have done in the past when parsing documents. I wrote a
regular-expression parsing utility class in Java but it is not as
powerful as it should be and I'm having trouble designing a better
version of it so as to work correctly with more documents. A part of
the reason this is may be due to its complexity so if I better
implement it using object-oriented techniques the complexity should
drop and it can be used in new, more-powerful and innovative ways.


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