[prog] Shell question...

John Clarke johnc+linuxchix at kirriwa.net
Sat Dec 11 10:19:08 EST 2004

On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 06:28:13 +0100, Riccarda Cassini wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 06:16:21PM +1100, John Clarke wrote:
> > 
> >     eval `echo bla blah blurb | while read FOO BAR BAZ; do echo FOO=$FOO; echo BAR=$BAR; echo BAZ=$BAZ; done `
> Nice idea, that eval :-)


> I first checked whether I do have backup copies of the scripts...
> I'm not the ubergeek I'd like to be. Not yet ;-) 

Keeping backups doesn't mean you're not an ubergeek.

> Neat. Thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

> Just out of curiosity, does anyone have an idea why all this isn't
> needed on HP-UX?  What surprises me most is that it doesn't seem to
> depend on the shell (ksh), but rather on the OS...

I can't help you with that one.  Fortunately I've been spared any
exposure to HP-UX, and the signmonster agrees.

>   eval `echo bl\\\\\\\\\"a | ./read_vars.sh FOO`

You have way too much time on your hands :-)

You can remove eight of those backslashes, if you change this line in

    echo "$1=\"$VALUE\""

to this:

    echo "$1='$VALUE'"

And I'm allowed to have way too much time on my hands today, it's
Saturday and I don't have to work :-)  Well, not much anyway.


"HPUX" and "sane" have never been uttered in the same sentence
without accompanying negatives.
            -- Richard Henderson

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