[prog] C and curly braces - question of style?

Katie Bechtold katie at katie-and-rob.org
Mon Aug 23 08:32:41 EST 2004

On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 11:26:34PM -0700, Akkana Peck wrote:
> > You can even stick a line in your make file that formats code according
> > to the group's standard at compile time, just to make everyone happy
> > with a minimum of human effort. It'll take .. microseconds for the
> > computer to reformat things? Geee.....
> Don't do that if you're working in a CVS repository!  It'll really
> mess up your CVS history when every file gets every line modified
> on every checkin, because each person makes whitespace changes
> every time they compile.

Couldn't cvswrappers -f and -t filters handle the differences
between formatting styles in the repository and in a user's sandbox?

Katie Bechtold         http://katie-and-rob.org/

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