[prog] @INC in Perl

David Sumbler david at aeolia.co.uk
Tue Apr 27 18:24:18 EST 2004

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Jacinta Richardson wrote:

> To get HTML::Parse you're going to have to install it.  HTML::Parse is a
> wrapper around HTML::TreeBuilder.  You can get this by installing the
> HTML-Tree-3.18 package.  Although earlier versions are probably
> acceptable.  To download this go to it's CPAN page
> (http://search.cpan.org/~sburke/HTML-Tree-3.18/) and grab the source, or
> go to your favourite linux distribution site and see what package they
> have for you.  Alternately you can use the CPAN module:
> # perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::Tree'

OK - I've now done that.

> > > If you could also let me know how exactly you're calling lwp-request
> > > from your bash script I can probably help you further.
> >
> > lwp-request -o text 'http://www.etc'
> Thanks for that.  If you allow HTML::Tree to be installed in the place
> that Perl picks for it, this should be found automatically.

Yes, that seems to be OK.  I'm now getting an error message reading:

Can't locate HTML/FormatText.pm in @INC (@INC contains: etc. etc. etc.

So I assume that there is something else I need to install!

> As far as I can tell it's a bug that LWP is still using
> HTML::Parse.pm.  It appears that almost everything has been upgraded
> to use HTML::TreeBuilder.  It also appears that HTML::TreeBuilder is
> accidently omitted from the required modules to install when
> installing LWP.  I'll be reporting both of these on your behalf.

Thanks for that.



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