[prog] VRML and Linux

Wolfgang Petzold petzold at villa-chaos.de
Sat Oct 18 14:46:10 EST 2003

> I am looking for a VRMLviewer for linux, so far I have found a few that are in
> early stages of developement, (though seem to have been in the same state for
> some years!) but there have been problems trying to get them to install on my
> system (Mandrake 9.1).

There's a quite long list of viewers at <http://www.web3d.org/fs_faq.htm>.

Anyway, the number of browsers that run with linux seems to be about three
or four:

FreeWRL	<http://freewrl.sourceforge.net/>
Coin3D	<http://www.coin3d.org/>
VRWave	<http://www.iicm.edu/vrwave>

And there's Casus Presenter from Fraunhofer Institute for Computer
Graphics <http://www.igd.fhg.de/CP/> which requires a (non-free) license
for OpenInventor. The link to OpenInventor they provide leads to a 404
page, anyway...

I have to say that I don't know anything to say about the mentioned
browsers; it was quite a while ago when I took the VRML course at my
university, and they seemed to have accepted that graphics software mostly
focused on W*nd*ws platforms back then.


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