[prog] VRML and sound

Sue Stones suzo at spin.net.au
Wed Nov 12 22:30:51 EST 2003

I am learning VRML and am trying to get a sound file to play.  It isn't working so I don't know if this is the limitations of my computer or not.  Does anyone know VRML??

I am developing this under windows as I couldn't get a browser working on Linux.  But I don't think it will make a difference if the code is correct.

This is what I have 
#VRML V2.0 utf8

 skyColor [ 0.8 1 1, # light blue
     0.7 0.8 0.9, # medium blue
     0.6 0.6 0.9]   # dark blue
 skyAngle  [ 1.05 1.57 ]
 groundColor [ 0.9 0.8 0.7,  # dark brown
        0.7 0.6 0.5,  # medium brown
        0.5 0.4 0.4]  # Light brown
 groundAngle [ 1.05 1.57 ]
} # background

Sound {
    source AudioClip {
  description "Dr Who Theme Music"
  url "DrWho.wav"
  loop FALSE
  startTime 0
  stopTime 1
 } # source
 minFront 100
 maxFront 100
 minBack  100
 maxBack  100
} # Sound

# the file then goes on to describe a Dalek

Got any ideas.  Does the sound need to be inside some other node perhaps?


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