[prog] mysql

Saint-Wolfe wolf at wolfrising.net
Wed Nov 5 19:55:00 EST 2003


I'm trying to add some information to a table that already exists in a 
database, the table I wish to add
the info to is called address

I have a file called info.sql which contains the following:

select "INSERT INTO address (p_code, addr_type, city, state) VALUES (", 
f_code, ",'", 'Current', "','", 'Albany', "','", 'NY', "');" from 

I have a second file called info2.sql which contains:

select "UPDATE address SET email = '", 
lower(concat(left(f_name,1),concat(l_name,"@nyu.edu'"))) AS "2", "where 
email = '' and p_code = ", f_code from faculty

I tried to update the database with these commands

mysql database < info.sql

mysql database <  info2.sql

obviously that didn't work : )

help? : )

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