[prog] Perl reference

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Mon May 5 22:05:55 EST 2003

On Monday 05 May 2003 20:14, Sue Stones wrote:
> Let me see how much I can remember of this, there is a special perl
> documentation tool called pearldoc and I think that you can type perldoc
> perldoc to find out how to use it.
> I can't remember more than that, but a quick search on google produced this
> site
> http://www.perldoc.com/
> which looks like an extremely useful resource, without going past the first
> page!

I basically taught myself perl by starting at 
http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/pod/perlintro.html and going from there.

Worked for me.  :-)



Rasjid Wilcox
Canberra, Australia  UTC + 10

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