[prog] Java Trees & Linked Lists

olusola Fadero olusola.fadero at virgin.net
Fri May 2 08:20:27 EST 2003

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-----Original Message-----
From: programming-bounces at linuxchix.org
[mailto:programming-bounces at linuxchix.org]On Behalf Of ed orphan
Sent: 02 May 2003 02:50
To: programming at linuxchix.org
Subject: [prog] Java Trees & Linked Lists

Could someone advise me on a good book
or two on programming double Linked Lists
and binary trees with Java?
I'm just learning Java now, but I need a
useful objective. You can't do much without
good data structures. Nothing that I'm 
interested in, anyway.
I suspect these books will be expensive.
Might there be some free tutorials on the
Web somewhere? ( I doubt it ).
I just hope there's a good book out there that
uses simple language and has lots of examples.
( fat chance ) 
Any advice would be welcome.

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