[prog] socket programming with C language

Jimen Ching jching at flex.com
Mon Mar 17 10:36:54 EST 2003

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Yallambatla / Bharath (TM),S wrote:
>I am Bharath Yallambatla. I am curious to learn Socket Programming in C.
>can you please explain me Socket Programming with simple client-server
>examples by explaing the code

This has already been done many times.  But the best source for network
programming (including BSD sockets) is W. Richard Stevens' books.  He
wrote a few volumes on network programming alone.  The books usually
provide a lot of examples and line by line explanations of the code.  All
examples that I know of are in C.

Everyone I know, who has programmed sockets, owns a copy of this book.
And don't be overwhelmed by the size of these books.  You can jump into
any chapter and just go.  But since you're new to sockets, I recommend
starting from the beginning.

Good luck.


P.S.  While I'm at it.  W. Richard Stevens also wrote a book on Unix
programming.  Anyone who wants to program on Unix should have a copy.
These two books are the best investment on programming resources that a
software engineer could ever hope for.

Jimen Ching (WH6BRR)      jching at flex.com     wh6brr at uhm.ampr.org

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