[prog] some more python questions

Mary mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Sat Feb 8 16:48:14 EST 2003

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003, Guru - wrote:
> class time:
>     pass
> def increment(time, seconds):
>  time.seconds = time.seconds + seconds
>  while time.seconds > = 60:
>    time.seconds = time.seconds - 60
>    time.minutes = time.minutes + 1
>  while time.minutes > = 60:
>    time.minutes = time.minutes - 60
>    time.hours = time.hours + 1
> This function is now correct, but it is not the most efficient solution.
> As an exercise, rewrite this function so that it doesn't contain any loops.
> I've really got no idea of how not to use loops to solve the problem.

Have a look at 
>  while time.seconds > = 60:
>    time.seconds = time.seconds - 60
>    time.minutes = time.minutes + 1

Imagine what happens when the number of seconds is 182. I subtract 60 3
times, giving me 3 minutes and that leaves 2 seconds.

Repeated subtractions can be replaced with division...


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