[prog] Re: more C++

wolf wolf at wolfrising.net
Sat Dec 13 17:27:01 EST 2003

Thanks for the help : )

Okay so this is what I have now except I receive a message that there 
is a parsing error before else, I'm not sure what I'm missing
I've tried taking the { and } out but I thought if there was an if 
statement you needed the braces. Is it a little error I'm making that
I just don't seem to see? Or am I way off track?

#include <iostream>

int main()


int integer1;

std::cout << "Enter a whole number\n";
std::cin >> integer1;

if(integer1 % 2 == 0)
std::cout << "Your number is even.\n";

else(integer1 % 2 !=0)

std::cout << "Your number is odd.\n";

return 0;

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