[prog] HTML user interfaces

Meredydd Luff meredydd at everybuddy.com
Thu Oct 10 22:24:00 EST 2002

Hello all!

I'm currently working on a rewrite of Everybuddy 
(http://www.everybuddy.com/eb-lite/index.php if anyone's interested), and I'm 
considering making a web-based user interface for it. My big problem is how 
to display very dynamic data (a contact list or conversation window) with 
HTML. Previously, I've used meta-tag refresh directives, but they get clunky 
very quickly - the refresh rate's slowness limits conversations, and when 
conversations get long you end up reloading a whole bunch of stuff for the 
sake of about 50 extra bytes on the end - not brilliant.

Does anyone else have any ideas? I'll probably be using Java server-side for 
easy statefulness (each session needs to maintain a constant TCP connection 
to the core), but I'm flexible.


MSN Developer, Everybuddy project

MSN:     blip109 at hotmail.com
AIM:     blip109
Yahoo:   modula7

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