[prog] School problem, C++ and cout.precision(2);

Jesika tx_kewtie at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 23 02:54:18 EST 2002

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 10:33, Davis, Jennifer wrote:
> For some reason, when I try to get the floats to print out, the average
> comes out with no decimal places and the total score comes out in scientific
> notation.  If it helps, I was using the Borland C++ compiler 5.5 (I think)
> on Windows 2000.  
> Any help in figuring out why this is happening would be greatly
> appreciated...

The previous reply on casting should (I think...) solve your scientific
notation problem.  To get your output to show the decimal places, use
setiosflags(ios::fixed).  Using (ios::showpoint) would essentially
accomplish this as well... many people use both, but it's redundant if
you're using it in conjunction with setprecision().  

One of my instructors has a page set up that gives really good
explanations of the <iomanip> functions.  He definitely explains it
better than I do!




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!w O M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t++ 5 X R-- tv+ b++ DI++++ D 
G e* h- r+++ x+++++ 

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