[prog] tsch script problem, involves awk

Jimen Ching jching at flex.com
Tue Dec 31 12:46:13 EST 2002

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Rebecca Erwin wrote:
>The problem is that major seems to end up being a string (cat
>/proc/devices...) instead of a number.

This is only a problem depending on what you plan to do with the $major
variable.  Usually, I see script use the variable in a command like this:

	mknod /dev/scull c $major 0

In this case, it doesn't matter that $major has a string, since it is part
of a command line.  I wrote a simple script to test, and I was able to
perform simple arithmetic with the $major variable:

#! /bin/sh
major=`cat /proc/devices | awk "\\$2==\"$module\" {print \\$1}"`
echo major = $major
major=$(expr $major + 1)
echo major + 1 = $major

This script printed 116 and 117.

Just curious, what do you plan to do with this variable?

Jimen Ching (WH6BRR)      jching at flex.com     wh6brr at uhm.ampr.org

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