[prog] Sample implementations of UNIX utilities.

Robert J. Hansen cortana at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 28 12:44:18 EST 2002

> Really?  I don't know anyone who's working on a degree in computer science
> or some forms of engineering who hasn't had a course which required assembly

My alma mater has gone to an entirely Java-based curriculum.  C/C++ are
never used.  There's one class which uses Scheme, but other than that
it's all-Java, all the time.

The only Assembly exposure they receive comes from a simulated RISC
processor running in a JVM.  Even by RISC standards, the simulated
processor is very simple.

By comparison, when I went through the course we learned Assembly for
Alphas.  (Ooooh.  256-bit quadwords.  Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.)  

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