[Philly-chix] Thursday, June 19th: Social Meeting @ Fox and Hound in

Stephanie Layton stephanielayton at mac.com
Wed Jun 18 12:58:34 UTC 2008

Yeah, count me in:)  My calendar is still looking good for this LinuxChix get-together tomorrow. 
It seems I have the necessary directions and telephone numbers....
Any other info?  Never been to this place, will it be easy to find everyone?


>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 22:11:57 -0400
>From: "Elizabeth Bevilacqua" <lyz at princessleia.com>
>Subject: [Philly-chix] Thursday,	June 19th: Social Meeting @ Fox and
>	Hound in King of Prussia
>To: phillychix at linuxchix.org
>	<13ae6a200806021911r4d8b5df9y6e04a2141422a7ca at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Since we haven't had a meeting in quite some time I thought we should
>just have a social get together this month.
>After speaking with a couple people we've decided upon:
>What? Social gathering of Philly LinuxChix, w/ appetizers, dinner, drinks
>When? 7PM-9PM
>Where? Fox and Hound, 160 N. Gulph Road, Suite 211, King of Prussia
>(in parking lot of KoP Mall)
>Cost? Pay for what you order, please bring cash so it's easy to split the bill
>Please drop me a note prior to the meeting if you plan to attend so I
>know how many seats we'll need, I'll be sending a reminder the week of
>the meeting.
>If you have any questions - please ask! This meeting is open to all
>women interested in Linux and/or Open Source Software. Men - have a
>woman you'd like to get interested? Encourage her to come, or join us
>and bring her along!
>If you have trouble finding the place, or our table once you arrive,
>please give me a call on my cell: 610-952-7370
>Hope to see you there!
>- Lyz
>Elizabeth Bevilacqua

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