[Philly-chix] DC Chix @ Balitmore Aquarium on April 1st & PhillyChix.org

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Sun Mar 18 20:43:49 UTC 2007

I'm pleased to announce that I've been coordinating with the DC Chix to
arrange another meetup!

We will be meeting at the National Aquarium in Baltimore on Sunday,
April 1st.


I'd like to arrange a carpool down there, we'd be leaving early in the
morning (probably around 7:30AM) to get to the aquarium when it opens
around 9AM. The Aquarium is a popular place so it gets quite busy,
getting there early is recommended.

We'll be having lunch in Baltimore's Inner Harbor area.

If you're interested feel free to contact me on list or directly to
arrange the carpool (I'll probably be driving). If you let me know by by
this Thursday (March 22nd) we can get you discounted tickets from one of
the DC Chix - you'll get $3 off the $21.95 price at the door.

I'd also like bring your attention to our new domain!


This is also a new mailing list, located at:


I have taken your email address from the old subscriber list, but I had
no access to the mailman configuration files. If you need to make
changes to your account you'll have to request the randomly generated
password via the interface, just go to:


Fill in your email address, and at the bottom hit the "Remind" button.

If you have any trouble with the new list, please drop me a line. It's
currently set up so that only people subscribed can post to the list.

- Lyz (who got married since she last posted to the list!)

Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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