[Jobposts] Senior Web Developer part time / contract postition in San Francisco

Melissa Meyer melissa at kenwoodgroup.com
Tue Jul 10 17:35:42 UTC 2007

The Kenwood Group, a San Francisco-based creative agency specializing in 
digital media and event production for the corporate market is in need 
of a contract web developer. Applicants need strong Java skills to 
maintain, support and further develop a custom built set of web 
applications used to manage projects and contacts. Workload will vary as 
responsibilities include some day to day management and user support as 
well as development of enhancements and new features. Requires 
occasional onsite work/meetings each week.


*Strong knowledge of / experience with Java, AJAX, Relational Databases 
(specifically MySQL)
*Ability to understand a large code base in multiple languages written 
by various individual developers
*Ability to work independently, as well as collaborate with the IT Team
*Ability to interface with users; excellent english skills required.
*Bonus: experience with Tomcat, Apache Axis, Struts, PHP, PERL
* Telecommuting is ok

If interested, please forward me your resume and your rate -- 
melissa at kenwoodgroup.com.


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