[IndiChix] PyDelhi Meetup + Linux Install Party 15th April 2017

Shashank abc at shanky.xyz
Tue Apr 11 20:22:10 UTC 2017


Hope you all are having a wonderful time. PyDelhi is planning to make it 
more efficient by inviting you to Linux Install Party this Saturday [1] 
while PyDelhi Meetup in JNU [2].
Volunteers will help you out with the distro of your choice with the 
No matter if you are a complete beginner to Linux or an enthusiast 
trying different distros to find your soulmate, this party is for you.
Install Party Will Happen just after this week's PyDelhi meetup on 15th 
April Saturday.

Distros to choose from
1. Ubuntu16.10
2. Lubuntu 16.10
3. Xubuntu 16.10
4. Open Suse
5. Mageia
6. Fedora
7. NetRunner
8. FreeBsd
9. Gparted Live
10. Gentoo
11. Other

[1] Meetup Schedule and RSVP- ( 
https://www.meetup.com/pydelhi/events/235843449/ )
[2] Venue -  School of Computational And Integrative Sciences, JNU, New 
Delhi ( https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=28.542616,77.168860 )

Shashank Kumar (@realslimshanky)
Volunteer Team
PyDelhi + ILUG-D + LinuxChix India

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