[IndiChix] [ann] (A) vote results, (B) move to new server.

VidA vid at svaksha.com
Sat Mar 7 07:16:17 UTC 2009

Folks, feel free to ignore this response to Pavithran / you might want
to grab a coffee(drink of choice) before reading further....

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 21:40, pavithran <pavithran.s at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:22 PM, VidA <vid at svaksha.com> wrote:
>> In case you missed Kadambari's mail (she was sick) and the whole idea
>> of waiting for Radha and Kadambari is to give them an opportunity to
>> contribute and learn something new in the process.
> Ohh , I understand the reason for delay now . sorry for the previous mail
> ,we could wait longer if they are learning new things in this process :)

Pavithran, do you even read the mails and parse them _before_ you
shoot off emails questioning and setting deadlines for people who are
_actually_ doing the work ??

> Yes women should volunteer , the website can wait since anyways the
> linuxchix.org.in is perfectly up and running .

"Concern troll" ?? ... and this is not the first time. My personal
interaction with you in Hyderabad was not pleasant but I have let the
two instances pass and certainly wont rehash it on an archived list.
An earlier mail titled "Chix wars" was provocative but I ignored the
trollish behaviour, a third time too many. However, the repeated
nature of your communication signals a subtle yet deliberately
offensive pattern guised as a "friendly/concern" troll.

> <rant> If I remember you were the one who mailed the first mail for domain
> ownership and looks like there is no hurry from your side .</rant>

hmm .... now I understand why you came onto IRC yesterday pretending
to not understand ssh and so on. Did you read the list mail at all?
Did anyone stop you from participating in the list discussions in the
last 2 months or before that?  Did you read Ram's mail and others
where he clearly states the reasons? You did and yet (for reasons best
known to you) ignored his mail as well as the rest of the transparent
discussions. Does it disappoint you and others of your ilk to know
that I am not in control here !?

[/admin hat on]  Prima facie its res ipsa loquitur that you are
baiting/trolling. If your interests limited to trolling and
flame-baiting with mails titled "chix wars", rants, etc... I'd suggest
you find another community to spend time with. I am sick and tired of
personal attacks/rants so this is a last warning. If you sincerely
wanted to volunteer you had multiple opportunities and you know it.
The current patronising attitude is neither polite nor helpful.
[/admin hat off]

For the most part the Indian FLOSS community consists of :

0. People who mouth platitudes/dispense advise on how women/foo-group
should conduct ourselves or whine and rant about how XY could have
been done better.
BE the change you wish to see... by not ranting about others and help
pick up any chips, tasks, hence contribute. The latter is what a
"volunteer" does in a "community".  There are many silent contributors
in India and anyone who wants to contribute has to just look closer to
find them.

1. Folks who dont help initially (or later) to make things happen or
take responsibility but yet enter the picture when all the work has
been done by others and are eager to grab credit.
BE the change you wish to see... by not waiting for someone to tell
you what to do. There are no managers in any volunteer community so
just do it (TM). Tell us what you did and we will thank you (AND give
credit) for it.

2. People who spend a majority of their time trying to find fault with
folks that actually volunteer, poke holes and criticise everything
they do or patronize about how women should go and talk at colleges
and motivate other women.
BE the change you wish to see... by giving a talk on LinuxChix
yourself, hold an install-fest, solve a Linux issue for someone, at a
place of your choice. Go ahead and motivate the women in your life.
That does not require permission from anyone and its a nice welcome

3. Back-biting, double-speak, bad-mouthing, slander, ..... Stop, that
pushes people (yeah, men too) away !!
BE the change you wish to see... by avoiding negativity and try to
find was to collaborate and co-operate as a team instead of finding
ways to break things. Btw, If the urge to break is strong, try to
break <your Linux distro of choice> and report the bug upstream.

4. Politics, control-freaks and crab-like behaviours, making entry for
new contributors very difficult in a local community. Most of this
boorish negative attitude is never displayed in upstream communities,
rather reserved for fellow citizens. Sad.
BE the change you wish to see... by being open and transparent in your
dealings and fair in word and action. It will hopefully change the sad
state of affairs.

5. Some who indulge in talk (on irc/lists/forums) which (wo)men find
offensive (readers are intelligent enough to define that for
BE the change you wish to see... by being inclusive of diversity,
polite and helpful to all.

That said, there is a lot to do and a lot that can be done, provided
one wants to do it. *Friendly* trolls are still trolls and the least
contribution one could do is not impede the progress of a volunteer
contributor.  I would thank you for that !!

|| Vid || http://www.svaksha.com ||

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