[IndiChix] Fwd: [fosscom] Invite for July 4th meet

vid vid at svaksha.com
Thu Jun 25 04:41:40 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: vinay ವಿನಯ್ <vinay at itforchange.net>
Date: 2009/6/24
Subject: [fosscom] Invite for July 4th meet
To: Fosscom Network <network at fosscom.in>

Dear All,

Please find below a  invite with agenda for the 4th of July meet.
Please do forward it suitably.


Dear All,

Many of us have been advocating for several years, the adoption of
FOSS applications and platforms in our country. FOSS related advocacy
has been gradually gathering energies, including the campaign against
software patents, including FOSS in the CBSE syllabi , suggesting a
FOSS manifesto for political parties in the recent elections etc.

However, we do have a long way to go before FOSS is taken as a default
software option. Towards this cause, a network or a coalition of
organizations working on FOSS adoption and promotion, would be able to
act more cohesively on issues and strengthen our individual efforts.
While such an initiative will be energy-intensive and time-consuming,
it would help orchestrate our advocacy for FOSS adoption. We are
writing to you to invite you to a meeting to discuss the building of
such a coalition comprising of members from academic institutions,
NGOs and CBOs, research and advocacy groups, professional
associations, FOSS enterprises, FOSS user groups, government
officials, media professionals etc and also its possible priorities.

The first meeting of this network was held in Bangalore in February
09, when over 30 people met and discussed issues including working
with Universities in Karnataka through NRC-FOSS, to adopt FOSS, train
teachers on GNU/Linux (the Karnataka Computer learning program in
schools is on GNU/Linux), countering monopolistic and restrictive
practices in the IT sector,  technical aspects such as developing
local language fonts that are Unicode compliant etc. A mailing list
and a wiki (http://fosscomm.in) have been since created.Please see the
wiki(http://fosscomm.in) for a more detailed update on that meeting
and activities post that meeting.

We now plan to continue building this coalition, with a meeting in
Delhi. We request you to join for a full-day meeting on the 4th of
July at the JNU, New Delhi (exact venue within JNU will be
communicated shortly).

The proposed (draft) agenda for the meeting is as follows-
1. Reporting on the Bangalore FOSSCOMM 1st Meeting and follow up

2. “Open Standards” Follow up on the Department of IT's draft policy
on open standards

3. FOSS in Education - What the FOSS community can do to promote the
use of FOSS in School Education and Higher Education

4. Software Patents and other legal issues
a) Take up pre and post grant opposition for selected cases
b) Take up the issue of Draft Manual which deviates from the Patent Act
c) Take up with the Competition Commission, practices which seem to be
restrictive or monopolistic.

5. Building political consensus around FOSS as an important factor for
India's development

If you require accommodation, please let us know, we will try and
arrange at JNU.
The travel costs as well as the cost of stay would have to be borne by
the participants.

For those requesting accommodation, please write to the following:
Prof. Andrew Lynn lynn.andrew at gmail.com and Rajesh Kalithody -
myidrajesh at gmail.com

Any suggestion/modifications to the agenda are welcome.


On behalf of the Delhi Organizing Group, FOSSCOMM


Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
vinay at itforchange.net



Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
vinay at itforchange.net


Network mailing list
Network at lists.fosscom.in

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