[IndiChix] Fwd: [Ilugc] fossconf -09 - Feb 27,28,Mar 1

VidAyer vid at svaksha.com
Fri Jan 30 06:44:59 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Kadambari Devarajan
<kadambari.devarajan at gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bharathi Subramanian <sbharathi at midascomm.com>
> Yes. Already, we have one in our action item.
> <snip>
> * Prepare a Female Team to interact with Female audiences.
> </snip>

Umm... the LC miniconf audience is open to all, only the speakers are
female.  From : http://conf.au.linuxchix.org/miniconf-2008-faq

Q. Are men allowed to attend and/or speak?
A. Men are most certainly welcome to attend the womens' mini-conf.
However we reserve speaking slots for women. This is for the purpose
of giving women speaking experience so that they can be prepared for
major conference speaking tasks, and integrate into the conference
main without feeling like a total novice.

> Plz mail the LinuxChix India agenda, we will be happy to include it in
> FossConf 09.

LCIN does not have one (agenda) and being an experiment it would need
fossconf's help and support to pull it off.

Since each conference has its own process we can tailor the
LC-miniconf and plan accordingly. For this we need time,... to
publicise the LC miniconf and give the women time to prepare their

Here is another link from LCA which explains what the different
miniconfs are all about :

As the organiser could you kindly inform us in advance the deadlines
for the CFP, etc.. so I can draft a mail to that effect ? The LC
miniconf CFP is done the usual way : http://lwn.net/Articles/302887/
at linux.conf.au and it is easier if we follow the regular process you
have for fossconf.in

Kadambari, since I am not sub'd to the ILUG-C list you could forward
this reply please.


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