[IndiChix] [1] hosting and [2] wiki backups

hassath at gmail.com hassath at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 02:49:40 UTC 2009

(cc-ing Barkha and Aneesha)

Hello List. Sorry about vanishing for a few days - health issues.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:37 PM, VidAyer <vid at svaksha.com> wrote:

> 1. Hosting :: Does anyone wish to volunteer server space for
> http://india.linuxchix.org ?

Thanks to all who have offered space, and given suggestions. Looks
like we'll have no difficulty finding space, thanks to the generosity
of members.

> 2. Existing wiki :: Its currently on Vaibhav Sharma's server but since
> he is not subscribed to this list, anyone in contact with him is
> welcome to contact him for the wiki backups.

Did anyone have any luck with that?

> This is also a request
> to the current sysadmins to provide the backups of the existing wiki
> website.  Please respond by Monday, 2009Jan19 to enable a smooth
> transition at the earliest.

Hey Barkha and Aneesha, haven't seen any response from you- at least,
not on the list. As you know, this is quite a critical time, and we
need your help and cooperation. We have a domain, and we have offers
of space. We need backups of the wiki. Please write in today itself so
we can move forward. If we do not receive any response from you, the
list will be forced to conclude that you are no longer interested in
the fate of the wiki or the group. Whatever opinions you may have,
please express them here and now.

- Hassath

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