[IndiChix] [1] hosting and [2] wiki backups

VidAyer vid at svaksha.com
Fri Jan 16 10:07:14 UTC 2009


Further to the proposal[0] to keep http:// india.linuxchix.org as the
official domain for LCIN, we need to plan the following :

[0] http://mailman.linuxchix.org/pipermail/indichix/2009-January/001442.html

1. Hosting :: Does anyone wish to volunteer server space for
http://india.linuxchix.org ?

2. Existing wiki :: Its currently on Vaibhav Sharma's server but since
he is not subscribed to this list, anyone in contact with him is
welcome to contact him for the wiki backups.  This is also a request
to the current sysadmins to provide the backups of the existing wiki
website.  Please respond by Monday, 2009Jan19 to enable a smooth
transition at the earliest.


|| http://www.svaksha.com ||
|| You are what your deepest desire is ; As you desire, so is your
intention ; As your intention, so is your will ; As is your will, so
is your deed ; As is your deed, so is your destiny | ~Upanishads ||

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